Monday, February 17, 2020

Internet and Direct Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Internet and Direct Marketing - Essay Example t marketing has evolved as an important tool for organizations which seeks to eliminate the presence of â€Å"middle man† from the promotion process of an organization. Direct marketing acts as a tool by which marketing messages of organizations can be directly provided to potential consumers. It comprises newspaper advertising, door-to-door selling, and also selling over the telephone by organizations. It involves selling goods and services directly to customers rather than through retailers. Zenith Electronics LLC is a major producer of electronic consumer products, including television receivers, radios, and stereo equipment. Each of these product lines is the responsibility of a product manager. The product line of modular stereo systems of Zenith is called the Allegro line. Each system consists of an AM-FM tuner/amplifier plus phonograph plus tape deck and separate speakers. The company offers 13 different models that sell in the $ 150-$ 400 range. A modular stereo system differs on the one hand from stereo consoles, in which all of the components are built into one cabinet, and on the other hand from audio component systems, where consumers select unrelated but compatible components to make up the systems they want (Chaffey et al, 2012, p. 51). The company also produces a line of stereo console units, but the console market is in a state of decline as consumers switch to smaller sound systems. Zenith does not produce audio components but has considered it from time to time. The main goal of the company is to increase its market share and profitability in the modular-stereo-system market. Direct marketing strategies of an organization should begin with a reliable database of consumers (Tapp et al, 2014, p. 71). The strategies with regard to direct marketing must be able to build consumer value through the adoption of an approach that is considered as more personalized and also more customized for service and product offerings. The distribution processes of the

Monday, February 3, 2020

Aiming at greater Workforce Diversity within LOCOG Coursework

Aiming at greater Workforce Diversity within LOCOG - Coursework Example ..............................................3 Increasing organisation’s turnover and cohesiveness.................................................3 Eliminating organisational clash with government or workers union........................4 3. Human resource management contribution to workforce diversity...........................4 Increasing competition and justice in Recruitment....................................................5 Rewarding employees................................................................................................5 Developing SMART goals........................................................................................5 Developing outplacement support............................................................................6 4. Conclusion................................................................................................................6 5. Bibliography.......................................................................... ...................................7 Aiming at greater Workforce Diversity within LOCOG Introduction Diversity in an organisation is an admirable attribute because it creates various opportunities of handling challenges of the organisation. Workforce diversity is evident in an organisation when practices and policies of an organisation consider other approaches to service delivery other the prevailing constituency (Shen, et al., 2009, p. 235). Human resource management theorists attribute organisations’ success to workforce diversity. The idea behind this argument posits that employees’ contribution to the organisation contributes to success. Organisation practices, which include promoting and hiring, must consider avenues, which will bring success to the organisation. Workers demonstrate professional attributes when exposed to environment where their services are relevant (Mannix & Neale, 2005, p. 32). The objective of LOCOG is to offer effective services to clients. The relation between the objective and the span of organisation life demands that it must create an environment, which steers it towards achieving its objective as well as satisfying the employees. Importance of workforce diversity Workforce diversity will enable LOCOG to reflect of clients make up because the organisation’s obligation is to deliver services to multicultural society. For example, Olympic Game fans would come across the globe. The workforce of the organisation must demonstrate that they can service interest of multicultural community. Language factor with respect to employability is an aspect that the organisation must address. The organisation must gear up to global competition. Sourcing of the workers should reflect on global image. Firms offering services in multicultural environment must source employees with multicultural abilities because it would enable the firm to project global image (McCuiston, et al., 2004, p. 75). Innovation is an aspect that LOCOG cannot afford to ignore. The proficiency to develop novel ideas for the firm would come from a diversified workforce. Studies show that homogenous organisations fail to project diversified approaches in handling their challenges because of the commonness (Mannix & Neale, 2005, p. 35). The commonness limits organisation progress because all workers would be thinking in the same way. Societal influences contribute to an individual performance. Many organisations insists on given duration of experience because it has been proved scientifically individual’